つくば市 土浦市 常総市 動物病院 犬 猫

Our Services

Animals to be treated

Dog, Cat

Open hours

Office Hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Holiday
9:00AM-11:30AM X
4:00PM-7:00PM X X

Currently, only Dr. Shimizu (清水) provide English consultation. Please check her schedule before you come.

獣医師 清水 貴瑛

Schedules of Veterinarians


Lifemate Animal Hospital Tsukuba
560-3 Nishihiratsuka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
TEL: 029-875-8101


  • General Practice

    We cover wide range of general practices such as Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology, Urology, Immunology, Orthopedics, and other Internal medicine. We cover patients such as dogs and cats.

  • Vaccinations and Preventative Medicine

    We provide a combined vaccinations for dogs and cats and rabies vaccinations for dogs. As part of preventive medicine, we prescribe medicines for heartworm diseases, flea and ticks.

  • Surgical Operations

    Our surgical operations range from general surgery such as sterilization and castration to advanced surgery such as fracture repair and various tumors.

  • Nighttime Care

    Five nights out of the week, our staff provide care for hospitalized pets overnight.